Justice Overcoming Boundaries Logo
Clergy Action 2010

In accordance with our
mission and collaborative membership philosophy,
Justice Overcoming Boundaries trains community leaders,
and helps facilitate
campaigns to address
local social justice issues.

Our organizers, working
with these trained leaders,
engage in a “listening process”
to help member groups
identify community issues
which directly impact
their daily lives.

Clergy Training

We conduct an annual three (3) day training program conducted by and for affiliate clergy. This training includes tools, concepts and methodologies for becoming effective in balancing the demands of their own institutions with issues of justice and community concerns. It also provides a supportive network of clergy experiencing similar demands.

Statement of Purpose for the GNCC
The purpose of the Gamaliel National Clergy Caucus (GNCC) is to act within the Gamaliel Foundation network in ways that faithfully witness to the God of love, power, justice and community.  The GNCC will serve as the shaper and bearer of the comprehensive vision of congregation-based organizing for Gamaliel Foundation affiliates through each affiliate’s clergy caucus.  The GNCC will offer counsel, direction and prophetic corrective to clergy caucuses of Gamaliel Foundation affiliates and to the Gamaliel Foundation, itself, and will seek to strengthen, support and expand congregation-based organizing.

The GNCC assumes the following responsibilities:

  1. Encourage the creation and development of clergy caucuses in all congregation-based organizations of the Gamaliel Foundation
  2. Develop a network of clergy caucuses
  3. Organize training events for clergy
  4. Develop a body of theological materials relevant to principles of congregation-based organizing
  5. Guide regional and national issues development with the Gamaliel Foundation
  6. Challenge organizers to be attentive to the needs, theologies and values of the religious communities
  7. Strengthen relationships between the Gamaliel Foundation and denominational judicatories
  8. Act as a resource to clergy and local congregation-based organizations
  9. Help the Gamaliel Foundation identify potential sites for new congregation-based organizing efforts